Facebook is important, and given the numbers, it is hard to think of it as just a fad, but at the same time it cannot be “the whole network.”
To this day there are still people who browse and do not use Facebook, and on Facebook you certainly cannot do all the things you can do with a professional website!
So let’s look at the cons of Facebook and a website.
Starting with the website we can say that:
- Having a website undoubtedly requires (though with many options) an investment .
- There could be a malfunction (although it really depends a lot on who makes the site and the chosen Hosting)
- One has to do good SEO (search engine indexing).
- You have to spend time on the implementation of good graphics and the functionality of the site itself.
Let’s talk about social media and therefore also Facebook
- Inability to customize the page. In fact apart from the cover and profile photo, there is no difference between all the others.
- Excluding a priori those who are not members of the social.
- Inability to include detailed information about the services and products offered. Social, are not structured to create spaces where details are entered. Those who browse social, in fact, do so in a hurry and are certainly not interested in additional information.
- It is an informal environment, and depending on the type of business, this is not necessarily the best approach for getting concrete results.
- To get great results you have to resort to paid listings!
- The possibility of online sales (e-commerce) is limited to a few available functions
The pros of a website
It conveys professionalism.
You can choose the graphics you want and match them to your corporate brand identity.
You can include more details about the products and services you offer.
You can include so many features to your e-commerce.
The pros of social media
They are free.
It allows you to more informally manage your relationship with customers and prospects.
You upload images instantly via smartphone.
It is easier to manage…even for those with little knowledge of the Internet.
The best solution would be to consider the fact that one does not have to exclude the other. UNION MAKES STRENGTH.
They are two different means of communication but with a close connection between them, to exclude one in order to do the other is the most mistaken choice there is.
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